Habgoblins, it’s truly been a long time. It’s been a minute, for real. I had to take time off due to some heavy circumstances I had been dealing with in my personal life. The video above explains it all in full. Additionally, I just wasn’t pleased with how I was maintaining the brand and everything that it encompassed. I was so concerned about being every, doing everything, and just jumping on whatever hot trend was hot shit at the time. Ultimately, that led to strain and burnout.

Fortunately, this time away has been rejuvenating. For a moment, I had wondered if I’d ever come back to Habtoons. However, with some therapy and meditation, I’ve decided that Habtoons will go on. Habtoons will prevail. And, with that, a new approach to my relationship with social media and this new world of content creation. No longer will I rush to have my face on every platform at all times, it’s all about the slow burn to success.

You may be wondering: Where’s all this leading? Well, as of right now my focus will be in video production. I’ll be posting weekly/bi-weekly video content to YouTube, YouTube Shorts, and TikTok. I’m pivoting my focus to more art-centered content ranging from documentary style series, video essays, new interviews, animation, and some other things I’m not at liberty to say at the moment. Just know it’ll be good. This week will see the upload of new TikTok and YouTube Shorts content. I’ve adored how much those two platforms have helped my visibility and the content is somewhat simple to create.

In regard to actual illustrations and comics, I’ll be focusing on just two projects at a time. This year will see the return of one of my oldest flagship characters, EPIC Ethel. If you’ve been with me since the DrunkDuck days, you’ll know exactly who Ethel is and how far she’s come. Instead of jumping right onto social media promoting a comic that isn’t finished, I’ll be taking my time. I don’t want another Moniqua situation. So each week, we’ll see new EPIC Ethel art. It could be in the form of a full illustration, concept art, random sketches, and even short animations. We’re going to see a lot of green this year and I want to make sure Ethel is a synonymous to Habtoons as Hell Boy is to Mike Mignola.

You’ve probably realized I haven’t mentioned streaming yet. Don’t worry, I won’t abandon my streaming viewership. My approach, just like with everything else, is changing significantly. Personally, I’ve become bored with the same inundation of streams you see on Twitch/YouTube. There are very few people that truly interest me and have something unique to offer. That’s not to knock anyone but my tastes have changed a bit in what I want to see and what I’d like to produce. I’ll be returning to streaming in April with the goal of creating streams that are informative, functional and entertaining. No more sitting around just playing games all the time. My goal is to make my streams more of a TV-like experience but casual. I’ll still play games here and there, but I absolutely want to pour more focus into my industry, art, and culture of Brooklyn. If none of that made sense, then you’ll just have to come through and see for yourself in April.

You may have noticed that the website looks vastly different than it did previously. That’s because I’ve been the past week putting work in to update it to be more functional. I often find artists will create a website somewhat haphazardly because everyone says “YOU NEED A WEBSITE” but then they forget it in favor of social media platforms. I’m extremely guilty of this. When I first created, I didn’t put a lot of care into it. However, now, this will be a living site. Meaning that it will be active and consistently updated; serving as the hub for all things Habtoons related.

Blogging will return and will serve as a way for me to keep the community up to date outside of social media. From new projects, events, and other happenings, this blog will serve as the newsletter and be sent out to our current and new subscribers. As an added bonus, if you do sign up to the newsletter, you’ll receive an amazing downloadable eBook: 200-Word Drawing Prompt List.

I’ll also be making adjustments to both my Patreon and Ko-Fi platforms. Nothing to major but I do feel, like with, I wasn’t providing the love they both needed to thrive and survive. So be on the look out for updates coming within the next few weeks.

I will no longer stretch myself then across the world wide web. That’s insane and unhealthy. My preferred platforms going forward will be YouTube, Twitch, TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram Those may still seem like a lot BUT my approach to each platform will be very different:

YouTube - Used to weekly/bi-weekly video content, livestreams, and shorts.
Twitch - Used for livestreaming and exclusive streams.
TikTok - Used for shortform video content that leads back to everything.
Twitter - Used for daily updates, thoughts, and interactions.
Instagram - Used to primarily post to IG Stories, like a video version of Tweeting.

So if you’re on these platforms, make sure you’re following for the full HAB OH experience, haha!

This is where the community will link up between streams and art & content uploads. The Nu Xanti Server is the home for all Habgoblins, from Patrons to casual viewers. We have movie nights, game nights, and consistently chat with each other. If you’re a hobbyist or creative professional, you can also post your creations for us to see and so much more! You should absolutely join us today, it’s FREE! P.S. - If you DO happen to be a Patron, there is a private section just for you too.

If you made it all the way down here, I absolutely appreciate you! Let me know what you think in the comments section below. What are you most excited to see from me for 2023?