Starring: Tee'lyn, Joanna 1990, Boojim, The Pipnull
I wanted to have a Halloween themed comic, I needed it.
The scariest thing for many of us aren't the ghouls and goblins we see on TV but rather the very people we may be in community with. It could be a best friend, a family member, co-worker, or even a lover. With parodies stretching back decades across all entertainment, the concept of "The Hotep" has been an extremely polarizing subject in the Black Community. From my understanding the word was co-opted from something benign and harmless to now denote someone who is "Pro-Black" in such a way that actually hinders the progress of our community. Typically, these dudes where cheap looking clothes, talk shit about Black women all day, and snuggle up with white women at night. SPOOKY!
Happy Halloween,