Black Summer Market


Waddup Habgoblins! July is HERE and there’s much to do! I’m curious, how many of you read this through email-only vs on the site? There’s a comment section below, let me know!


My goal this year is to reboot the entire Habtoons Comic “Universe” or Hab-O-Verse, if you will. I’ve been creating and publishing comics online for 14 years. A lot of my OG fanbase will remember those deviantArt, DrunkDuck, and ComicFury days. If you know, you know!

However, so much has changed since the inception of my online presence. I’ve aged, my political ideologies have shifted, I’ve learned more about the world and its diverse cultures and as Nina Simone said: “An artist's duty, as far as I'm concerned, is to reflect the times”. I stand by that whole heartedly.

Initially, I wanted EPIC Ethel to be at the forefront as that series is incredibly important to the cultural zeitgeist behind the dreaded gentrification “movement”. There’s so much I want to tell through the wild and wacky lens. I wanted to have everything start with her, with cameos from my other series sprinkled throughout. Think of it how the MCU treated the first Iron Man movie, the catalyst that set everything in motion. An apologetic, Black-woman led comic touching on all manner of social issues is important but then it hit me: EMOTION.

I’ve been reading this book by Pat Flynn called Superfans and just within the first few pages, he discusses the emotional hook that brands utilize to grow their consumer base and reach. By default, I believe art created from circumstance will always have a hook, people tell me all the time how they connect to my characters and illustrations; especially as my style gives off incredibly nostalgic feelings of 90s animation.

For those who were around during the 2018 Era, you know about Unit 333. It was an exhibition and graphic novel I put together based on my journey with my mental health. The reception to both was phenomenal, both online and in-person. Why? Because my story deeply resonated with so many people, specifically Black people. As mental health was never (and still isn’t) discussed openly in our community, it was always brushed off as “oh he’s touched” or “that’s the devil”. I remember growing up, if you had any sort of serious behavioral issues, they’d just throw you in the basement (yes, the basement) in the Special Education classes. We NEVER saw those kids until lunch time and even then, they were separated from us. It was almost as if these fellow human beings were rejects not meant for the public. Absolutely awful!

Things have improved over the years, one of the schools I’ve taught in recent years have integrated a lot of the special needs students with the general student body. As the autism spectrum is vast and we’re still learning so much about it today.

Unit 333 was a hit because people were able to relate by either experiencing their own trauma firsthand or through someone they knew, like their child, partner, or best friend. It activated conversation. It activated compassion.

When I created the original Unit 333 graphic novel, now dubbed Unit 333: Introspect, I was fresh out of the hospital and still under the sting of what I was going through. With that, the comic was created under a bit of duress in a sense. Looking back at it, while the narrative was good, it didn’t fully explore the importance of Black Mental Health. It was rushed, crude, messy. While I don’t hate this iteration, I want to improve on it.

For the longest time, if you’ve been around, I’ve talked about revising the story BUT it’s been the backburner. As of today, as of this blog: no more. Unit 333: Reveries is currently in full development. This will begin the true revival of Habtoons. Reveries will be a longer series, delving deeper into subjects that Introspect couldn’t. Learning more about “The Ward” and the denizens within, how our main character ended up there, and dropping knowledge on the vast spectrum of what mental health and autism truly is. I will also incorporate easter eggs and characters from the past for longtime fans of Habtoons but there will be something for everyone in Reveries. You’ll be able to follow the full development journey via my Patreon page for all the behind-the-scenes content and more.


You’re probably going: “Damn, so Ethel just gonna be tossed?” Nah, never that. Our favorite fiery Bedstuy resident won’t be left on the cutting room floor, I assure. A version of her will make appearances in Unit 333: Reveries, I do have plans to make short comic strips featuring political satire and random musings. I can’t NOT include Ethel. She’s way too important. I ain’t do all those new character designs for nothing, haha!


This Saturday, July 15th, I’m teaming up with Adorned By Taji once again for another Black Summer Market Event at Nicholas Brooklyn! This being my second time doing an event like this, I think I’ve got it figured out. There will be original works on sale and for the super curious, I’ll have a live drawing station where I will create a character for you on-the-spot. Let me emphasize that this isn’t a caricature station, this is a character design station. I implore y’all to look up the diverse types of artists and artistic styles, don’t come to my table asking for a Basquiat, haha. ANYWAY, come through and purchase some art, we’ll be there from 1-7pm!


If you’re new here or have been living under Patrick Star’s rock, I have an amazing podcast series called DA ART BLOC where I get to opportunity to sit down with some of the coolest leading artists and content creators, while we actually create artwork together! Season 1 was mad fun and the live experience certainly added to that. Season 2, however, will be a pre-recorded series as coordinating for a live show can be tedious and it’s easier to edit certain things out if we say something too wild, haha!

Season 2 drops Fall 2023!


It’s finally time! I’ve been wanting to connect more with my Patrons and I’ve decided I will host monthly art workshops on my Discord Server. The first Workshop is taking place on July 26th from 7-8PM EST. This is patrons at the Great Goblin Membership Tier and up. All you’ll need is some paper, whatever you’re comfortable drawing with (pen, pencil, etc), and a good spirit then you’re all set!

Whether you’re a long-time Patron, newcomer, or considering, I’d implore you to explore the new offerings for each Membership Tier. There’s much that’s changed recently and I’m sure you’ll love it all! There’s a new Erotic Art and Creator Tier, with new art/content coming for both near the end of the month!


Lastly, Emergency Commissions are still open.

To clarify what this means, commissions are a regular service that many artists offer both online and in-person. An artist will draw for an individual, company, or institution in exchange for payment. You know, because artists deserve payment and all (I stand with the WGA). From industry giants like Kara Walker to smaller independent artists like Jeron Braxton. Commissions are one of many ways artists generate income.

An Emergency Commission is essentially just that. Commissions needed within a certain amount of time. Typically, emergency commissions don’t require a written agreement and what is on offer is usually a fixed service at a fixed amount.

I wanted to give clarity as there are a handful of newcomers to Habtoons and this mailing list that are new to the greater art world. So, I hope this helps in your understanding. And, I appreciate everyone who’s shared the Ko-Fi Commission link so far! It’s been very helpful!

Once I officially get over this hurdle and out of this rut, I assure you I will create an entire (YouTube) series on this so that no other artist has to go through this. Even though the entirety of human civilization wouldn’t be here without artists and artistic ingenuity, we still seem to be at the bottom of the social totem pole. Look at all the layoffs in media (Cartoon Network, HBO, Netflix, etc), look at the current Writer’s Guild of America Strike, look at the rampant theft of artists work without proper compensation. It’s ridiculous. But 2023 feels like a year of change, so I hopeful the art community as a whole will rise up and be rightfully compensated.

Anyway, thanks for reading and I look forward to seeing y’all around soon.

Stay gold